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Medical terms glossary - T

This medical term glossary provides explanations in plain English of a number of technical terms you may encounter in the process of pursuing a clinical negligence claim.

Tachy- - Rapid.

Tachycardia - Rapid heart rate.

Tachypnoea - Rapid breathing.

Talipes - Club foot.

Tarsalgia - Pain in the sole of the foot.

Tarsus - Bones of the foot between the metatarsals (which link the heel to the toes) and the ankle.

Temporal lobe - Part of the brain.

Tendinitis - Inflammation of a tendon.

Taylor & Pelmear scale - A scale for assessing Raynaud's phenomenon .

Tennis elbow - Inflammation in the elbow.

Tenoplasty - Surgery to repair damage to a tendon.

Tenorrhaphy - Surgery to repair a severed tendon.

Tenosynovitis - Inflammation of the sheath surrounding a tendon.

Tensor - A muscle used to tense or stretch a part of the body.

Tetraplegia - See quadriplegia.

Thalamus - Part of the brainstem.

Thenar - Of or relating to the ball of the thumb.

Thoracic - Of or relating to the chest.

Threshold of hearing - Level of sound frequency below which humans cannot hear.

Threshold shift - Difference between threshold levels measured on different occasions.

Thrombosis - Formation of blood-clot within blood vessels or heart.

Tinel's test - Testing for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Tinnitus - Falsely perceived continuous noise.

Tone - Tension in a resting muscle.

Trabeculae - Structural tissue struts passing from the outer covering of an organ to the interior.

Trachea - The windpipe.

Tracheostomy - Surgical opening of the trachea to bypass upper airway.

Traction - Pulling a limb or the spine as part of treatment.

Trauma - Damage, or shockingly stressful event.

Trendelenburg test - Testing of hip muscles.

Trigger digit - Painful locking of tendons in fingers or thumb.

Trimalleolar fracture - Form of ankle fracture.

Triquetrum - A bone in the wrist.

Trochanters - Two bony prominences at the upper end of the thigh bone.

Tuberosity - A bulge on a bone.

Tympanic cavity - Middle ear.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 

N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

If you would like assistance in relation to a possible clinical negligence claim speak to our experts for free initial guidance on your options on 01616 966 229 or complete our online enquiry form.

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