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Healthcare & social services - community care

Our specialist community care solicitors take on work nationwide. The focus of community care law is on the welfare of children in need and wellbeing of vulnerable adults and their carers to ensure that their needs are properly assessed and supported.

Community care law is complex and wide ranging and often involves sensitive issues. It is important that specialist legal advice is sought. The most common types of cases that we deal with are:

  • Social services or a healthcare provider failing or refusing to undertake an assessment of needs
  • Challenges to an unlawful assessment of needs, leaving an individual without adequate care and support
  • Disputes about the type of care or services that a person requires
  • Challenges to the amount of care provision decided
  • Disputes in relation to direct payments (a common way of funding a care package)
  • Looked after children and leaving care duties
  • Transition from children to adult services
  • Disputes in relation to financial assessments and charges for care
  • Disputes in relation to NHS continuing healthcare funding

If you would like to speak to a member of the team for advice and assistance call us on 01616 966 229 or complete our online enquiry form and we will contact you directly.

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Community care - legal advice

There are numerous ways in which the state can meet assessed and eligible care needs, from the simple provision of disability equipment and aids in the home to complex packages of personal care and major adaptations of someone’s living space. They may also include respite services, residential and nursing care and suitable housing and accommodation to meet the person’s needs.

Our community care team can advise and assist in pursuing a remedy, with expertise in both local authority complaints procedures, review processes, the local government ombudsman, and judicial review claims.

It is often possible to resolve a dispute without the need to issue court proceedings and we will determine and advise you on the best course of action.

Community care issues can also include assessments of a person’s mental capacity to make decisions in relation to their residence and care, and Court of Protection proceedings may sometimes become necessary. Our specialists have expertise in both community care law and Court of Protection welfare proceedings.

For advice call our community care law experts on 01616 966 229 or complete our online enquiry form and a member of the team will contact you directly.

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From mental health care assistant to Court of Protection paralegal - an insight

I have recently started working as a graduate paralegal in the Court of Protection team at Stephensons following the completion of my law degree. Whilst doing my degree, I worked part time as a Mental Health Care Assistant, providing support to...

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A new perspective on the funding of Rule 1.2 Representatives

What is a Rule 1.2 Representative and why are they important? The role of a Rule 1.2 Representative is often undertaken by Independent Advocates, or by a friend or family member of the individual concerned. A Rule 1.2 Representative is appointed when the...

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Healthcare and social services reorder

  • Sophie Maloney
  • Megan Taylor
  • Sophie Holmes
  • Amy Dutton
  • Jessica Hobro
  • Emily Ireland
  • Emma O'Brien
  • Katie Byrne