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Medical term glossary - H

This medical term glossary provides explanations in plain English of a number of technical terms you may encounter in the process of pursuing a clinical negligence claim.

Haemarthrosis - The pooling of blood in a joint.

Haematoma - A mass of clotted blood.

Haemo-pneumothorax - Blood and air in the cavity surrounding the lungs which may need to be drained.

Haemorrhage - Breach of a blood vessel causing leakage.

Halitosis - Bad breath.

Hallux - Big toe.

Hamstring - Tendon at the rear of the knee.

Hearing threshold level - The limits of hearing.

Hemianopia - Blindness in one eye.

Hemiplegia - One side of the body becomes paralysed.

Heparinised - The use of heparin in blood, a substance which reduces blood clotting.

Hepatiscostomy - The surgical opening of the main bile duct.

Hernioplasty - Surgery to repair a hernia.

Histogenesis - Formation of tissue.

Histology - Study of tissue structure.

Homeostasis - The balancing of body temperature, fluid content etc.

Homoplasty - Skin grafting.

Humerus - Upper arm bone.

Hydramnios - Excessive fluid within the structure which protects a developing foetus.

Hydrocephalus - Brain swelling by the accumulation of cerebro-spinal fluid.

Hydronephrosis - Swelling of the kidney due to blockage of urinary vessel.

Hyper- - In excess of normal range.

Hyperacusis - Abnormally high sensitivity to sight, sound, taste and smell.

Hyperaesthesia - Abnormally high sensitivity to sound, taste, smell or feeling.

Hyperextension - Movement of a limb beyond its normal range.

Hypertension - High blood pressure.

Hypertrophy - Size of organ increases due to enlargement of cells.

Hyperventilation - Breathing too quickly.

Hypo- - Decreased.

Hypocalcaemia - Low calcium levels in the blood.

Hypohidrosis - Inability to sweat sufficiently.

Hypoplasia - Tissue fails to develop fully.

Hypotropia - Squint.

Hypoxia - Insufficient oxygen levels.

Hysterectomy - Surgical removal of the womb.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 

N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

If you would like assistance in relation to a possible clinical negligence claim speak to our experts for free initial guidance on your options on 01616 966 229 or complete our online enquiry form.

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