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Bike to school day - 9th May 2018

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Bike to school day - 9th May 2018

May 9th 2018 will be held as a national bike to school day.

Whilst this may be an American themed day I see no good reason why UK children cannot adopt the day and choose this as a different way of getting to school.

Many people will know the congestion caused from taking our children to school in cars and parking closely around the school area each morning and afternoon. With more working families in the UK these days perhaps using cars for the commute is largely unavoidable but I firmly believe that taking these types of opportunities gives everyone a better chance for a healthier lifestyle. It also allows parents an opportunity to guide our young ones on the best ways to negotiate our roads and reinforce road safety tips as they develop in to young adults.

Before undertaking this blog I wondered what proportion of children cycle to school. According to CyclingUK.org only 2% of 5-10 year olds and 3% of 11-16 year olds cycle to school.

That said, with the weather brightening up now is an ideal opportunity to get in to the shed, dust off the bike and bike helmet and get out there. My son actually just started cycling to school himself recently and as a 15 year old with the largely common teenage computer and social networking addiction I think that means there is hope for us all!

See you on the roads!
