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Bereavement services

Our Wills and probate team can offer a bereavement service that will provide comprehensive knowledge and expertise in all aspects of managing property including: 

  • Valuation and property sale management
  • Vacant property insurance
  • Maintenance and emergency repairs
  • Rental management

If you would like further information on how we can help you, please call us on 01616 966 229 for a no obligation initial chat with one of our advisors. We have a team of friendly and approachable advisors who are waiting to take your call. They will talk to you about your situation without using legal jargon and they will do their best to make you feel comfortable and at ease. If you don’t want to call us initially you can contact us at a time most convenient to you, anytime of the day or night, through our online enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as we can to see if we can help.

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The services we can offer include all of the following and are available as a package, or as individual services:

  • Remove stress of overseeing estate agents and the sale process
  • Arrange independent property valuations, including a full market appraisal, pictures and similar properties available in the area
  • Alternative immediate purchase options
  • Offer no up front charge for insurance, marketing or maintenance
  • Your own personal property expert managing each stage
  • House clearance, maintenance, insurance and security
ServiceGuide Prices
Marketing and sale of properties
1.5% plus VAT of the value of the property, minimum charge of £1,000 plus VAT. Property marketed by two estate agencies
Marketing valuation reports
£195 plus VAT
Vacant property insurance

£175 plus VAT per quarter

Lock changes to external doors (price includes 5 locks to BS standards)


Drain down water system and heating and isolation of gas and electricity


Tidy garden and clearance of litter

£55 (quotes may be needed for initial cut and overgrown/large gardens)

Fumigation of fleas


Removal of fridges and freezers

£125 per unit

Clear obvious rubbish from within the property

Quote from site with pictures

Stack and list all remaining personal property

Quote from site with pictures

Seal letterbox

Free whilst completing other work

Photograph all rooms

Free whilst completing other work

Emergency boarding to windows

£75 call out plus £35 per half board as required

Further information

Please note that our fixed or estimated fees for Wills and Probate work are based upon a matter having standard features. They give an indication of the likely range of prices in most instances. However if your matter has non-standard features such as complex property, family relationships, dispositions or risks, then we may not be able to assist you for the fees shown on our website. In that instance we may give you an alternative fee quote based on hourly rates or  further fixed or estimated fees.

The advice provided to non-face to face clients will be through electronic or written communication only e.g. by telephone and email. Stephensons Solicitors LLP assumes no responsibility for, and shall not be liable for, (a) verification of mental capacity or testamentary capacity (b) verification of any undue influence or duress involved (c) the execution of any documents.

loading staff

Do I need a deed of gift when gifting my property?

A deed of gift is a legal document confirming voluntary transfer of a property (or share of a property) for no consideration, therefore, the person gifting the property (the donor) receives nothing in return such as money from the recipient of the gift...

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How to successfully pass on a family business in your Will

If you run a family business it is important to think about how you would like that business to move forward should you pass away unexpectedly.  It is both beneficial and a lot simpler than you may think to ensure that your business continues...

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Wills & probate staff reorder

  • Rachelle Nuttall
  • Katie Mayren
  • Charlotte Huxley
  • Amanda Winder
  • Emily Coleman
  • Paige Richards
  • Lois Carroll
  • Vasilka Yovcheva