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Special educational needs or disability (SEND) solicitors

Any parent or carer wants the best for their child and in general circumstances the correct learning environment and the right support can make a fundamental difference to the outcomes achieved by children.

In cases of children with additional needs adequate support and provision should function to put the child at a comparable level to their age related development. Children and the parents of a child with special educational needs (SEND) often have additional challenges every day, which makes ensuring that he right level of support is considered and where necessary provided is absolutely crucial.

The law relating to special educational needs changed substantively in 2014 and a code of practice relating to this outlines the responsibilities of education providers and local authorities. Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 is wider in its definition of SEND including the Equalities Act and covers both children and young persons from 0 -25 years of age. The legislation strives to put children and parents at the heart of the process of considering whether an education, health and care plan is needed.

 As a parent, the difficulties in having to juggle what can be complex caring responsibilities, understanding the law and undertaking what often feels like an uphill struggle just to get what is needed can be overwhelming.

Our specialist team approach matters from a parent or carer perspective, with the additional benefit of wider experience within the education sector. This means that efforts to resolve disputes can be achieved without the need for SEND tribunal involvement.

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SEND solicitors

No matter what stage of education your child is at our SEND solicitors can assist you will the following aspects:

  • Education, health and care plans

    • Advice on the assessment procedure, collation of evidence and instruction of experts to provide reports
    • Requesting an assessment for an education, health and care plan
    • Challenging decisions not to assess
    • Challenges to a refusal to provide an education, health and care plan
    • Disputes about the contents of a draft education, health and care plan
  • Appealing to the SEND tribunal

    • Delays in annual reviews
    • Transition matters
    • Disability discrimination
  • Transport considerations
  • Challenging a failure to follow and provide what is required within an education and healthcare plan

We are here to help you if you feel your child’s education needs and support are not being met correctly. Contact us today to see how we can help, call us on 0161 696 6159.

loading staff

Increased number of pupils recongised to have special educational needs

The increased number of pupils being recognised to have special educational needs (SEND) will come as no shock to schools or parents who regularly deal with children requiring additional support and provision in order to achieve their true potential. ...

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University disciplinary proceedings appeal

Our education law specialists recently represented a first year student who was expelled from a nationally renowned university following what were considered to be initiation acts within a university sports team. The university learned of the acts...

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Education law reorder

  • Maria Chadwick