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Beard transplant business is booming

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Beard transplant business is booming

With the emphasis on looking your best no longer the reserve of women, male grooming has become a multi-billion pound worldwide industry.

Beards are big, and the desire to have a thicker, fuller beard has fuelled a rise in the number of men undergoing facial hair transplants.  Many men are paying thousands to get perfect facial hair.

To perform a beard transplant, hair is taken from the patient’s head (roots included) then planted into the face through tiny incisions on the bare skin. If the man is balding, hair can also be taken from the chest. Once implanted into the face, the beard takes root. Whilst the hair falls out, the roots stay and begin to grow new hair after a few months. After it begins to grow back, the beard can be shaved and grows back like normal hair.

Facial hair transplants may be seen as the perfect solution for many men, however, it is important to know that there are risks with this type of surgery just as in any surgical procedure if proper  procedures are not adhered to or if treated by an incompetent surgeon.

What injuries can I claim for?

When it comes to a failed facial hair transplant you could be left with a number of injuries which you could claim for including:-

  • Rashes – as the chemicals used could have a serious reaction with your skin resulting in burns and swelling
  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Loss of hair
  • Loss of sensation

You may be entitled to claim for the psychological effects of a failed facial hair transplant as it can be a very traumatic and upsetting experience, resulting in loss confidence and emotional distress, which could severely impede your work and social life.

There may be additional medical fees if corrective surgery is required.

And you may have suffered loss of earnings, if you were unable to work as a result of the failed transplant.
