It is that time of the year again, the Christmas party season is well and truly upon us and for many it is an opportunity to let their hair down.
Whilst not meaning to sound like a killjoy, you need to remember that although at a party, you are still at work and therefore need to behave accordingly. So what are the do's and don’ts of your Christmas party?
Do: socialise - Use the party as an opportunity to meet colleagues who you would not usually interact with but do not spend all night talking shop.
Do: enjoy yourself – You have worked hard this year and this is your chance to show others that there is another side to your personality.
Do not: complain about your job – Whilst you may not get on with all of your colleagues or be completely happy in your job, this is not the time to air your grievances or gossip. This will only serve to bring down the mood. Furthermore, if it is said in front of the wrong person you could find yourself in big trouble the day after.
Do not: overindulge – Although some overindulgence is expected, you are not at a stag do. You are at work and getting yourself in a drunken state and more will not create a good impression of yourself. If you feel you have had too much, make your apologies and get a taxi home. You’ll thank yourself in the morning. Know your limits and pace yourself!
Do not: make a move on a colleague - Christmas parties are not the time to dangle the mistletoe in front of Sarah from Accounts who you have been eyeing up at the photocopier for the past few months. You may embarrass yourself or at worst end up the subject of a disciplinary investigation by HR on Monday morning.
Do: thank the host – It has probably taken a lot of time and effort for them to organise the event so take a few minutes to compliment them, the venue, food etc.
Do: plan your journey home – Speak to the event organiser to see whether there is any pre-arranged transport to and from the venue. If not, book a local taxi. Either option is likely to be cheaper and safer than flagging down a black cab at 2 o’clock in the morning. Whatever your method of transport do not drink and drive. You will not only lose your license but very likely your job as well.
Most importantly do ensure relax and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!