All round support
Most businesses recognise that health and safety in the workplace is of paramount importance. But in an ever changing landscape, implementing the necessary infrastructure to maintain best practice for health and safety is difficult for all but the very biggest employers. This leaves businesses in real danger of exposing themselves to unnecessary financial risk by failing to ensure the health and safety of their employees and those affected by the activities of the business.
Fortunately help is at hand. Backed by the resources and experience of a top 100 UK law firm, Safe Assist offers a single source of health and safety advice, implementation and protection for every aspect of the workplace.
We can also prepare your case and represent you in court or tribunal - a source of comfort in view of the growing ‘compensation culture’.
Six good reasons to find out more...
- Your employees will benefit from the service
- It will save you time and worry
- It will give you clear direction and control of risks
- You’ll be able to budget easily, no hidden costs
- It will help you manage your work force for continued long term success
- It could help you win business
Packages available
To ensure you have the right kind of health and safety procedures in place for your business we have made Safe Assist available in a number different packages, for more information on any of these please contact us on 01616 966 229.
Pulse check
For those who want to have a general overview of how health and safety applies to their business and what action they need to take. An employer handbook and a suite of health and safety forms to help get started.
Up & coming
For those who want a more in-depth feedback on their current health and safety management system and are looking for a comprehensive bespoke approach for advice, feedback, documentation to suit the needs of their business. An employer handbook, employee handbook and a suite of forms to suit the business.
Up & running
For those who already have a health and safety management system in place and will benefit from a working partnership to ensure that all the requirements of the existing system are met. Coaching and advice to assist the business with the overall management strategy and also departmental and individual objectives and goals.
Additional services
To help you meet your action plan we offer a range of health and safety training and a unique coaching service, which you can use with your health and safety plan and apply it to any part of your business for continual improvement.