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Speeding offence solicitors

Speeding prosecutions generally go unchallenged with motorists simply accepting speeding convictions without attending court or seeking the advice of a specialist speeding offence solicitor. If you have been charged with a speeding offence and your driving licence is at risk call our team of expert speeding solicitors on 01616 966 229.

Not seeking advice from specialist speeding solicitors for a speeding offence can lead to motorists receiving unnecessary points on their driving licence or in more serious circumstances a driving disqualification through the totting up procedure if a number of points are already on a licence from previous incidents. A speeding offence can even lead to a charge for dangerous driving.

With speed cameras seemingly around every corner speeding prosecutions are a common occurrence but any conviction could have life changing consequences, with the threat of a driving disqualification and the effects it may have on you, your family and your employment it is highly advisable to consult a specialist speeding law solicitor at the earliest opportunity.

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Notice of intended prosecution - speeding

A notice of intended prosecution for speeding does not necessarily mean a conviction, if you have been issued with a speeding ticket or fine speak to our motoring law experts to establish the best course of action and best possible outcome for you.

Our speeding offence solicitors have the expertise and experience to help with your enquiry, call us on 01616 966 229 or complete our online enquiry form and we will contact you directly.

Click the link to view a range of speeding offence frequently asked questions.

Speeding offences - areas of specialism 

  • Totting up / exceptional hardship
  • Police procedure
  • Special reasons
  • Speed camera calibration
  • Speed camera usage

Speed camera - laser devices

Laser devices require precision of use and where an officer has not operated the device in question correctly it is possible to argue that the evidence, or speed reading, obtained should be excluded.

If a Court could not be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the speed reading was reliable or likely to be accurate you would be found not guilty and acquitted. In such a situation you would be entitled to recover your reasonable costs in preparing your defence.

It is essential that laser prosecutions are correctly challenged and that expert evidence is obtained from Court approved expert witnesses. A favourable expert report, together with robust and skilful cross examination of the road side officer is likely to rebut a presumption that the laser device was used correctly in your case.

Laser devices are frequently operated incorrectly by traffic officers, which leads to questionable results being obtained. The chances are if you do not believe that you were travelling at the speed alleged you probably were not and the laser was probably not used correctly in targeting your vehicle.

How Stephensons can help

At Stephensons, we have access to a variety of approved expert witnesses and an extensive library of materials and handbooks that are designed to be used by traffic officers. We therefore know how officers should be trained and how laser devices actually work. We also have vast experience and expertise in defending laser cases and regularly partner with the country’s leading expert witnesses.

Types of speed/laser camera devices

There are a number of laser devices that are currently the subject of Home Office Type Approval:

  • LTI 20.20 TS/M Speed Measuring Device
  • Kustom Prolaser II Speed Measuring Device
  • LTI 20.20 TS/M "Speedscope" Speed Measuring Device
  • LTI 20/20 Ultralyte 100 Speed Measuring Device
  • LASTEC Local Video System
  • LaserCam Digital Camera System
  • RIEGL LR 90-235/ P
  • Cleartone Stealth Speedlaser
  • Laser Data Interface (LDI)
  • Autovision 3 (AV3)
  • Unipar Urban Speed Ace
  • LTI 20.20 Ultralyte 100
  • Jenoptik LaserPatrol SpeedLaser
  • RIEGL FG 21-P
  • Leica XV2 SpeedLaser
  • ProLaser III Hand Held Speedmeter
  • Autovision 3 (AV3)
  • LaserCam NT Speedmeter
  • Redspeed
  • Speed Curb

Contact Stephensons by completing our online enquiry form or call our 24/7 driving offence helpline on 01616 966 229.

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