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Injured while on a bus - £1,680 compensation

Our personal injury claims handler, Sam Ord, has recently won a case on behalf of a woman who was injured while travelling on a bus.

The client was a standing passenger on the bus when the incident occurred. As the bus began to turn right, the left hand side of the bus hit a lamppost. This caused the client to be thrown to the left side of the bus, injuring her shoulder and arm on a metal bar.

The bus company initial denied liability, however the claim proceeded to trial where the client won her claim and she received £1,680 in compensation.

loading staff

Are prisoners and prison officers at high risk of asbestos related conditions?

Many of our UK prisons may be housing dangerous asbestos within them, which could result in prison employees/officers and prisoners being exposed to asbestos as and when the substance is disturbed. A survey in 2003 found asbestos present in all UK...

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Will I have to go to court when making a personal injury claim?

When pursuing a personal injury claim, one of the most common concerns that people have is whether they will need to go to court. For many, court can be quite a daunting idea. The thought of having to stand before a judge and be cross-examined by a...

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  • Andrew Dunne
  • Subiha Khezar