Pauline Smith, associate and personal injury claims handler recently settled a case for a claimant who had sustained injury due to tripping over a transformer and dropping a glass mirror whilst at work.
The claimant was contracted to work on a block of new build flats to fit mirrors. There were approximately 80 flats which needed to have mirrors fitted. In order to do this, the claimant and his colleague would carry each mirror up the stairs within the building and fitted them in to the flats. The claimant was carrying a mirror which was approximately 1500 x 900 cm’s on the ground floor through the communal hallway of the building when his right foot suddenly got caught on something which had been left in the middle of the hallway. The claimant fell forward and landed on his right side leaving the mirror smashed into pieces.
On attending the hospital, the claimant had an x-ray and was diagnosed with a broken right wrist in addition to a cut on his right leg, a bruised right elbow, arm and shoulder. The expert opinion was that the claimant would fully recover from his symptoms four months post accident.
After Stephensons proceeded with the case against the property owners, the case was settled and the claimant received £6,000 compensation.