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Client receives £60,000 following accident at a play area

What funding options are available for personal injury cases?

Pauline Smith, senior associate executive in the personal injury team recently settled a case for a claimant who had sustained injury due to defective equipment at the defendant's premises.

Our client, was a childminder, who tripped over a defective mat leading to a play area at premises maintained by the defendant. Liability was admitted for the accident.

Our client sustained a significant, and fragmented fracture to their right patella, requiring surgical repair. They were left with ongoing pain, and needed a further surgery almost two years later to remove the metalwork which had been inserted into their knee. The client had a 5-10% chance of developing osteoarthritis in their right knee over the next 15-20 years, with further surgery being a possibility. Our client was left with significant scarring to their leg as a result of the surgery. 

They also suffered psychological injuries, with the most acute symptoms lasting for 24 months, and which were only resolved following a course of cognitive behavioural therapy. Our client was awarded the sum of £60,000.

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  • Louise Griffiths
  • ​Danielle Callaway
  • Robert Donlan​
  • ​Pauline Smith
  • ​Shahina Sakeria​
  • Katie Plappert
  • Millie Wilde
  • Toni Lowery
  • Andrew Dunne
  • Subiha Khezar