For the 10th year in a row, Stephensons has secured the national Law Society’s legal practice quality mark, Lexcel.
The prestigious Lexcel practice management accreditation is an optional scheme for law firms and in house legal departments and is awarded to those who meet the highest management and client care standards.
The visiting Lexcel assessor, Anne Milne said of the accreditation:
“The firm has an excellent management culture that is based on sound leadership, excellent communications, modern and flexible ways of working, and good staff involvement. People feel valued and appreciated and looked after by the firm.”
She continued:
“Support for home and work life balance is excellent, people feel well supported and greatly appreciated the flexibility of being able to maintain a healthy work life balance and some of the newer people interviewed felt Stephensons’ reputation as a modern, flexible employer was key to their decision to join the firm. Stephensons is becoming a destination employer.”
In response to Stephensons’ investment in people, Anne remarked:
“Learning and development continues to be a strength of the firm and is thought by people interviewed to work very well. The learning hub has been well developed, and some of those interviewed have been involved in developing training modules for their teams. People are developed to positions of greater responsibility in the firm, coaching and knowledge sharing is excellent, and achievement of relevant qualifications is supported.”
“Standards of client care continue to be very high, evidenced by very low numbers of claims and complaints.”
“People interviewed take great pride in achieving the best possible results for clients.”
Commenting on the assessment result, Andrew Welch, managing partner at Stephensons said: “It is testament to all those working at Stephensons that we have been recognised by Lexcel once again. At every level and in every role within the firm there is a drive and determination to ensure that we provide the very best legal support to all our clients, no matter their legal predicament. I’m delighted that has been highlighted by the Lexcel assessor again this year.”